Add NEWS page to your favorites | Preliminary Round NEWS IIHF WC 2009 | News Page Jump: 1 2 3 4 |
| | ![]( | Sweden Vs USA | | Wed 29.04.2009 |
| | Contents: For the ones who like goals, a certain degree of uncertainty, and a lot of suspense, this was the game ! The Americans seemed playing quite easy against a Swedish defense sometimes clumsy. They looked more confident than their opponent under pressure of getting a victory since they had been beaten by Latvia. But this feeling of confidence did not last very long... Against all odds, the Vikings gave all their guts and prevailed during Overtime, after an unbelievable derby. Thas is what we call Swedish Sensation ! |
| | ![]( | Finland Vs Czech Republic | | Wed 29.04.2009 |
| | Contents: Tonight game offered unexpected scenario. Czech Republic was leading 3 goals (Rolinek, Blatak, Kotalik) to 1 (Niko Kapanen) in the second period. Then Koistinen and Niko Kapanen made their team come back before the end of the period. Hagman set the difference by entering a goal at the 52th minute. This 100 mph game ranked Finland number 1 of its group, but the battle was hard and victory could have been awarded by the opponent too. |
| | ![]( | Austria Vs Latvia | | Wed 29.04.2009 |
| | Contents: Latvia qualified for next round. This little nation Team confirmed its great potential, after surprising victory against one of her worst rival, Sweden. This time, Latvians did not have to reach the shootout stage to win. Cipulis scored at the very end of first period, and Dzerins confirmed the lead with another goal at the end of third period. Despite great stops from Austrian Goalie Bruckler, the eagle Team has been responsible for as many as 8 penalties over the game, which certainly influenced the issue. For her next meeting, Latvia will face hosting country Switzerland. An interesting play in perspective. |
| | ![]( | Canada Vs Slovakia | | Tue 28.04.2009 |
| | Contents: With three goals scored in the first period (Roy, Doan, Spezza), Team Canada immediately cooled down the Slovaks. The Maple Leaf players speed of execution was so stressing for their opponents that these could not help committing penalties, offering this way nice scoring opportunities. Canada definitely showed they were hungry for victory, playing each of their game to the max. There is no little adversary... |
| | ![]( | France Vs Germany | | Tue 28.04.2009 |
| ![]( | The Cocks can sing The challenge of French Team was to avoid being pushed back to relegation. Germany on her side, had nothing to risk as the organizer of 2010 World Championships, providing her from getting down to Division I.
The Blue Men were the first to open the score after 3 minutes (Anthoine Lussier), catched up with Jochen Hecht who equalized in powerplay. Vigorous and determinated to stay in Elite class Hockey, France took advantage again by Luc Tardif at the 17th minute, assisted by Captain Laurent Meunier.
In second period, the Germans more incisive faced a solid defensive block, whose main representative is the fabulous goalie Fabrice Lhenry (see picture), one of the best in the tournament so far. After many attempts from both sides, third period demonstrated no evolution in score, taking the Cock Team to Third rank of group B, which can be considered as a little miracle, during this intense night in Bern. |
| | ![]( | Hungary Vs Belarus | | Tue 28.04.2009 |
| | Contents: This game remained very tight until the last minutes of the third period. Belarus opened the score at the 4th minute thanks to Kaljuzhnj assisted by Antonenko and Salei. On the other side, Peterdi assisted by Ladanyi and Vas equalized for Hungary at the 26th minute. One had to wait until the 55th and 60th minutes to watch Belarus triumph with two new goals entered by Ugarov and Grabovsky. Thus, the logic of Current World ranking has been respected. |
| | ![]( | Russia Vs Switzerland | | Tue 28.04.2009 |
| | Contents: Switzerland has finally demonstrated to the public that it could cause problems to serious opponents. After an early goal scored by Atyushov for Russia, Gardner equalized 7 minutes later, then beyond any expectation, the Helvets took the advantage with an extra goal pushed by Pluss. On the next period, Kovalchuk relieved his partners of a burden by setting back the counters at zero. Game was tough, anyone could feel the tension among the players. While Swiss defense was resisting well, Kovalchuk served Morozov at the 49th minute, who scored a third goal. 15 seconds before the bell, Perezhogin increased the gap by shooting into the empty cage. During two hours, the hosting country of the championship has been vibrating at the rythm of an over-determinated team who gave its best. |
| | ![]( | Latvia Vs Sweden | | Mon 27.04.2009 |
| | Contents: Amazing Shootout sequence: The “Kronor” qualified but got punched tonight... The First BIG surprise of this Championship ! |
| | ![]( | Czech Republic VS Norway | | Mon 27.04.2009 |
| | Contents: This game could have been stopped after 20 minutes. Indeed, Marek, Cajanek and Vasicek scored in the first period for the Czech Republic, providing their opponent from keeping any hope to recover. Despite one Viking goal by Jakobsen in the second period and another one by Zuccarello Aasen in the third, for each shot sent into the cage, the Czech scored their own (Blatak in the second period, Klepis in the third). However, Norway has achieved limiting the gap in front of an elite Team. Congratulations ! |
| | ![]( | USA Vs Austria | | Mon 27.04.2009 |
| ![]( | U.S.A Joined Big Scorers Family We might have expected a disaster for Austria facing USA internationally ranked #6, but after their game against Latvia, Americans had hesitated showing their best side to the whole World, and some doubt remained about U.S ability to dominate. While first period showed good play from both nations, Austria impressed by their skills in the second. The score was tight, after 2 American goals shot by Brown and Stafford and 1 Austrian goal shot by Peintner. Everything was still possible. At the very begining of third period, a shot given by O'Sullivan weakened severely Osterreich confidence, who was full of expectations until then. The Men in red from that point multiplied avoidable penalties and offered the U.S great opportunities in powerplay and even in double powerplay. Blake, Stempniak and Niskanen helped increased the gap and the game outcome became obvious. | Now that Americans got their Big Score game, they’ll have to prove they can worry higher level teams. Sweden is the next step on the list. |
| | ![]( | Canada Vs Hungary | | Sun 26.04.2009 |
| | Contents: Canadians are feeling at home, presenting an exhibition game with a festival of 9 goals (St-Louis, Weber, Roy, Neal, St-Louis, Weber, Fisher, St-Louis, Spezza). The whole arena could only feel sorry for the Hungarians, definitely not prepared for that kind of meeting. Hope they learned from that awkward exercise that will help them in the future. |
| | ![]( | Switzerland Vs Germany | | Sun 26.04.2009 |
| | Contents: A great classic between two neighbors who know each other well and an audience totally dedicated to the organizing country. Helvets have first demonstrated a rude Hockey game facing Germans rather dexterous and fluid in their passes and moves. Besides, Ullmann opened the score at the 7th minute for the Mannschaft, followed closely by Wick for Switzerland. In the second period, Seger assisted by Paterlini gives advantage to his team and sets the crowd of supporters on fire. Schubert equalizes 10 minutes later and regenerates suspense. After a third period quite physical the ultimate goal is only scored in overtime and for full Happiness of spectators in the arena, this goal is Swiss ! The whole country can thank its NHL player Mark Streit, for Victory was not guaranteed. |
| | ![]( | Slovakia Vs Belarus | | Sun 26.04.2009 |
| | Contents: The two Eastern-Europe opponents seemed to wear a bulky equipment today as they mainly remained rooted in their back positions. Many offensive attempts consisted in a one-man run-through towards the opposite cage followed by an approximate shot. A goal in the first period would have liberated both teams and generated more intensity in the play. Fortunately, each country goal (1 by Stas, 1 by Hossa) led to the incredible overtime period. At that moment, the hysterical atmosphere around the arena reached one level higher, which turned the game much more attractive. Belarus finally won the shootout round, making Scorer Antonenko and Goalie Mezin Heroes for one day. |
| | ![]( | Sweden Vs Austria | | Sat 25.04.2009 |
| | Contents: The Kronor triumphs with no ambiguity in Bern facing Team Austria, who had no other choice than defend and finally bend over in front of Today's Viking Gods. Swedish Scorers are: Jonsson, Johansson, Nilson, Weinhandl (2 goals), Harju & Eriksson. Despite Hard Times for Austrian Eagle Team, player Oraze gave his partners a break by scoring in the second period. The nation is safe ! |
| | ![]( | Czech Republic Vs Denmark | | Sat 25.04.2009 |
| | Contents: The Magic is alive ! Czech players have combined so well on the ice for their first game against a decent but desperate Danish Team. With Superstars Jaromir Jagr and Ales Hemsky, everyone could feel the great passion and involvement of this brilliant squad, who scored 4 goals out of 5 in powerplay (Hlinka, Marek, Cajanek, Hemsky & Jagr). Czech supporters were in Heaven and they know why ! |
| | ![]( | Finland Vs Norway | | Sat 25.04.2009 |
| | Contents: Team Finland demonstrates its power as a very coordinated group by taking advantage of powerplays and beating Norway 5 goals to zero. Today scorers are: Miettinen, Immonen, Niko Kapanen (1st period), Pyorala (2nd period) and Lehtonen (3rd period) |
| | ![]( | USA Vs Latvia | | Sat 25.04.2009 |
| ![]( | An Open Game Scoring the first goal 5 minutes after the starting faceoff, Latvia has surprised its opponent thanks to Vasiljevs (assist: Nizivijs). From this point, the game has never stopped being a continuous run from one side to the other of the arena and no one could really bet on the winner up to the end. U.S player Liles equalized 7 minutes later on a pass by Okposo. On the second period, Karsums gave a new advantage to its Purple and White Team by scoring with his partners, Ankipans and Sprukts. Then again, Stafford equalized for the Stars | and Stripes 5 minutes later, and finally Jonhson reversed the suspense by giving the U.S little superiority. Both teams had a very similar style of play, rushing forward with two or three attackers ready to get the puck into the net as fast as possible. From the third period, the Americans changed their strategy by building a constructive offense around the opposite cage, very close to what the Canadians had demonstrated yesterday against Belarus. Finally, these tactics were fructuous, enabling O'Sullivan scoring an ultimate goal (assist: Hainsey). Some might have said that the Americans didn’t show their best skills today, but curiously, Latvia has always been a dangerous opponent to them. |
| | ![]( | Switzerland Vs France | | Fri 24.04.2009 |
| ![]( | What a clumsy game ! Swiss and French played a brutal Hockey, full of mistakes and imprecisions. Whole audience in the arena was of course supporting the Hosting country team, which might have felt too much pressure according to over-estimated expectations. This game has totalized no more than 16 penalties, 7 against Switzerland, 9 against France. One little Helvetic goal has been scored by Pluss in the first period during powerplay, whereas one little French goal by Yorick Treille has been canceled due to zone trespassing. Good thing about this meeting is that one can only expect better for the next games on sunday with other opponents of the group: Germany and Russia. |
| | | ![]( | Germany Vs Russia | | Fri 24.04.2009 |
| | Contents: Team Russia dominates technically the German defense by scoring no more than 3 goals in the first period (Saprykin, kovalchuk, Zynoviev). No real solution was found by the Black shirts, very few shots to goals have been given. This lack of construction and offensive attempts lead to 2 more Russian goals in the third period (Kuryanov, Morozov). The game sounded like a training stage for Current Gold Champion and reminds the gap that still exists between the big 7 nations and the rest of Hockey World. | |
| | ![]( | Canada Vs Belarus | | Fri 24.04.2009 |
| ![]( | Canada setting up Confidence Belarus has breathed deeply and rapidly this afternoon in Bern, Switzerland, facing over-determined Canadians, involved in every piece of action, as if they were playing a final round game. Two goals have been scored in the first period by Steven Stamkos (assist: St.Louis then Doughty) whereas one Belarusian goal has been rejected for maple leaf country goalie Dwayne Roloson has moved his cage. | During the second period, the game got tougher, and the number of penalties increased. Despite powerplays, and even one double powerplay against Canada, no goal has been scored.
Third period has proved much more intense from both teams, but especially from Canada, which game turned quite pushy and fast. This strategy resulted into 3 more goals scored by Jason Spezza, Mike Fisher and Dany Heatley. Fortunately for poor Team Belarus, Grabovski achieved to save the honour, just before Heatley scored a 6th goal, making it real hard for its opponent to come back, 6 minutes before the end of the game. Hockey Nation has showed its power. Future Opponents Slovakia and Hungary are warned. |
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